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In August, @theketonist, @siobhan_huggins and I talked about (link at the end) a viral video from Christina Oman claiming that keto wrecked her thyroid and that doctors have been hiding this knowledge. She was starting a new "protein priority" program to help those affected. 1/6


Denials of soy's feminising effects are almost always made in bad faith. Analyses of soy consumption, like those sampled for this meta-analysis, are always short term (usually less than three months). Looking at evidence of longer-term consumption tells a different story. 👇 <a t


Cuanto tiempo podría durar un hilo diario de cantadas de casillas que acaba en gol??? Pues...


a lot of you are not into fashion, you are into skinny bodies, athletic bodies, young people, the idea of wealth, and images of new york city <a target="_blank" href="" color="blue">…</a>


A lot of people have a hard time separating body type from style. This outfit would not look good on anyone. He needs a jacket; the sweater would look better if it was textured; blue chinos are hard to wear. This same outfit would look bad on a skinny or athletic person. 🧵 <a tar


King of Spain at the final day of Wimbledon. This looks great. Very rare to see this level of tailoring nowadays, even on the wealthy. So let's talk about some of the reasons why it's great. 🧵


I will tell you what I notice. 🧵


Para los que seguís con el mantra de "Hitler era socialista" os dejo aquí un poco de historia para que entendáis el papel que tuvo el socialismo en el partido nazi (spoiler: ninguno)


1/ "Los nazis eran socialistas" Este argumento me lo encuentro casi cada día en tuiter. Que Hitler proponía en el Mein Kampf abolir la propiedad privada, que los nazis eran colectivistas, etc. Como resulta que yo sí me he leído el Mein Kampf, vamos con un hilo. Acompañadme.